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  • Souvenir Booklet | MWCDayton

    Send The Martins your written expressions of love and well-wishes, with a personal ad that will appear in the Souvenir Keepsake Booklet. DOWNLOAD AD FORM Credit Card Payment Form for Souvenir Booklet First Name* Last name Email Phone Name of Organization Payment for Souvenir Booklet 1/8 Page Ad $25 1/4 Page Ad $35 1/2 Page Ad $55 Full Page Ad $100 Please send ad(s) to: Ad Submission Deadline Sunday, December 1, 2024 (No ads will be accepted after this date) PAY NOW

  • Maranatha Worship Centre

    to Maranatha Worship Centre. Maranatha means our Lord Comes! May His glorious presence come to you today. If you have never invited the Lord into your heart as Savior and Lord, today is your opportunity. What a joy it is to announce this year’s Pastoral Appreciation! We are honoring two amazing leaders, Bishop Truman and Pastor Beverly Martin, with the theme: “A Royal Celebration”. On Friday, December 13, and Sunday, December 15, 2024, we will commemorate the Martins’ 44 years of pastoral ministry and their 50 years of marriage. We honor their labor and love for the ministry, God’s people, and each other. ​ The colors for the celebration are red, gold and ivory. Please click on buttons for more information. Friday Events Sunday Morning Banquet Tickets Souvenir Booklet Gifts of Appreciation Hotel Accommodations Join Us! Sunday Morning Worship at 10:00AM EST Join us each Sunday in-person or Live via Facebook ​ Wednesday Bible Study In-Person 12:00Noon EST ​ Live via Facebook 7PM EST LEARN MORE

  • Live Video | MWCDayton

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  • Our History | MWCDayton

    OUR HISTORY OUR HISTORY ​ Maranatha Faith Temple Church (Maranatha Christian Fellowship) was founded in 1977, as a result of a vision from the Lord to the founder and Pastor. Dr. Truman L. Martin. "Little is much when God is in it" and God certainly was in the beginnings of Maranatha. This little congregation of only (7) seven members not including children had very humble beginnings. The church has experienced several renovations and location changes. In November of 1977, services were held in a little Cabin on Hanover St. (Dayton). Without any heat (except for that from a kerosene heater that filled the place with smoke and fumes). The little congregation decided to move services from home to home and later held all services in the home of Pastor & Mrs. Martin. Church in the Martin home was like being in a real church. The stained glass panels, the carpeting, the piano in place, even the shape of the windows gave the appearance of an Ultra-Modern Church. It was there in the pastor's home that the real spirit of Maranatha was born. The spirit of love, peace, friendliness, warmth and prayer. Mrs. Beverly Martin organized the choir and became the first minister of music. Mrs. Earnestine Lenoir became the first superintendent of Sunday School and her husband, Lee, the first Deacon. Always praying and looking for a more permanent Church home, a condemned building which at one time housed a dry cleaner and beauty shop was located at the corner of Hoover and Leland Avenues. Pastor Martin ordained and installed three deacons. The first baptism was on August 10, 1980 and the first wedding was February 7, 1981. What seemed at that time an impossible renovation project, a project of "Faith" began in 1978. On Mother's Day 1980, the church opened its doors at the new location of Hoover and Leland Streets. In 1985, the second renovation project was completed a Children s Church was formed. A baptism pool was added after a building fund project in 1988. Due to continued growth and prosperity two Sunday morning services were held beginning the first Sunday in April 1990. Because this did not meet all the needs of the congregation, on October 6, 1991, the congregation moved to a new home at 4501 Wolf Road. The congregation has continued to grow and within six months the new sanctuary was filled and we now have two Sunday morning services, again. In addition, to fulfill the vision that the Lord has placed in the Pastor's heart, in 1993, the church purchased 23.1 acres of land adjacent to the church. The vision has begun answering the vision that God has placed in the hearts of hope, and determination to press on in the quest set before us. Key Milestones: •1981 Maranatha Faith Temple changed to Maranatha Christian Fellowship •October, 1991 purchased new church building at 4501 Wolf Road. •1993, first missionary trip to Africa •1993, Maranatha purchases an additional 23.1 acres of land adjacent to the Church •1996, Mortgage paid in full •1998, Maranatha Family Youth & Cultural Center construction began •2001 Maranatha Family Youth & Cultural Center construction is completed.

  • Giving | MWCDayton

    Ways to give and support and help OUR MINISTRIES TITHE 10% of your income. General Offering YEARLY PASTORAL APPRECIATION $250 $350 $500 $25 Youth /College Give Any Amount Mighty Men of Valor WOMEN of Victorious Love HYPE Student Ministries Powerkidz Ministries World MISSIONS

  • Events | MWCDayton

    Event Page Royal Celebration Banquet Sun, Dec 15 Dayton Art Institute Dec 15, 2024, 5:00 PM – 9:00 PM Dayton Art Institute , 456 Belmonte Park N, Dayton, OH 45405, USA Dec 15, 2024, 5:00 PM – 9:00 PM Dayton Art Institute , 456 Belmonte Park N, Dayton, OH 45405, USA Join us as we celebrate 44 years of pastoral ministry and 50 years of marriage for our beloved leaders. This royal celebration honors their unwavering dedication to God, our church, and each other. Details

  • About Us | MWCDayton

    About us Maranatha Christian Fellowship was founded in 1977, as a result of a vision from the Lord to our founders Bishop Truman L. Martin D.D.S., and his wife Pastor Beverly J Martin Ph. D. The mission for Maranatha Christian Fellowship is to have a community where all age groups are being cared for and shepherded spiritually, emotionally, and physically. In other words, meeting the need of the total person: spirit, soul, and body. In November of 1977, services were held in a little cabin on Hanover St. (Dayton). Without any heat (except for that from a kerosene heater that filled the place with smoke and fumes). The little congregation decided to move services from home to home and later held all services at the Martin family home. Church in the Martin home was like being in a real church. The stained glass panels, the carpeting, the piano in place, even the shape of the windows gave the appearance of an Ultra-Modern Church. It was there in the pastor's home that the real spirit of Maranatha was born. our pastors: Bishop Truman L. Martin D.D.S. Senior Pastor Dr. Beverly J. Martin Ph.D Co-Pastor

  • HYPE Urban Dance | MWCDayton

    HYPE URBAN DANCE TEAM HYPE Urban Dance Team, our dance team use urban dance to connect with young people in a dynamic way in loads of settings, as a creative way to share the gospel with young people. We will use unique and innovative urban dance styles when performing and will deliver a wide range of performances in schools, churches, at community days, festivals and events.

  • Victorious Women of Love | MWCDayton


  • Welcoming | MWCDayton

    WELCOMING MINISTRY MARANATHA's WELCOMING MINISTRY strives to create a welcoming environment by showing love and to create a friendly atmosphere to all those who enter the worship center to be greeted with a warm welcome. VISION: the vision of Maranatha Welcoming Ministry is “to develop the spirit of excellence in commitment, service, friendliness, and love towards others that we might win souls to Christ.” MISSION: as greeters, we are here to show the love of Christ and to make everyone feel welcomed as they enter the church. Our goal is to ensure that their worship experience with us is a memorable one. We encourage the love of Christ by greeting individuals with a beautiful smile, a loving handshake or a brief hug and a kind word of welcome to our church. We serve on Sunday morning service, Wednesday Bible class, on special Sundays, for conferences, at funerals and anytime we are called to serve. We serve with a willing heart and a purpose of reaching souls. We greet anyone entering the church and encourage them to come again. Greeters are to always be dressed appropriately with their name badges so that visitors would be able to identify who they are. Any questions or concerns can be directed to Sis Simon or any member of the Welcoming Ministry. We work together as a team and do support one another. If anyone is interested in becoming a Greeter please talk to any member of the Welcoming Ministry. We Love You.

  • I'm New | MWCDayton

    Visit us Sunday Morning Worship 10AM EST There are two ways to join us Sundays for worship and the word. Tune in via Facebook Live or Attend in-person ​ MWC follows the CDC guidelines. We provide temperature checks upon entry, practice social distancing and ask that all wear masks. ​ HYPE Student Ministries and PowerKidz services are available for those attending in-person. ​ ​ Bible Study 12PM EST Noon Day Bible Study is held Wednesdays in-person at the MWC Chapel. ​ Bible Study 7PM EST Evening Bible Study is held Wednesdays via live stream. Watch on Facebook Live or YouTube .

  • HYPE Liturgical dance | MWCDayton

    HYPE DANCE TEAM Dance is a word used to describe one of the most basic ways humans express feelings and faith through body movement. Dance is said to be our oldest art form. Every culture throughout history has used dance to express religious faith and to celebrate important events in life -- birth, death, healing, natural phenomena. Sacred dance includes individual forms (private meditation) and liturgical forms. Liturgical dance has as its purpose the deepening and focusing of the worship experience; it is not merely ornamental or decorative. Psalms 149 and 150 instruct us to praise God with dance; the apocryphal Acts of John has a description of the disciples at the Last Supper circling around Jesus as he calls them to dance; Romans 12:1 and 1 Corinthians 6:19-20 bless the body as a worthy instrument. ​ Liturgical dance requires the dancer to bare his or her soul in worship. There are no words to hide behind, rarely a character to portray, no literal use of facial expression or gesture—only the abstract essence of a basic idea, text or piece of music. The body does not lie; therefore, raw, real emotions, shapes, and feelings must be wrung from the depths of the soul in each dance in worship for the dance to be the powerful conduit to God that it is capable of being.

  • What We Believe | MWCDayton

    WHAT WE BELIEVE We believe the Bible to be the inspired and only infallible written Word of God. We believe that there is only One God, eternally existent in three persons: God the Father, God the Son and, God the Holy Spirit. We believe in the blessed Hope, which is the rapture of the Church of God, which is in Christ, at His return. We believe that the only means of being cleansed from sin is through repentance and faith in the precious Blood of Jesus Christ. We believe that regeneration by the Holy Ghost is absolutely essential for personal salvation. We believe that the redemptive work of Christ on the Cross provides healing for the human body in answer to believing prayer. We believe that the Baptism of the Holy Spirit, according to Acts 2:4, is given to believers who ask for it. We believe in the sanctifying power of the Holy Spirit, by whose indwelling the Christian is enabled to live a holy and separated life in the present world.

  • Prayer | MWCDayton

    PRAYER REQUESTS Choose an option Send Now "Finally, be strong in the Lord and in His mighty power. Put on the full armor of God so that you can take your stand against the devil's schemes. For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms. Therefore put on the full armor of God, so that when the day of evil comes, you may be able to stand your ground, and after you have done everything, to stand” (Ephesians 6:10-13 ).

  • Drive-Thru Prayer | MWCDayton

    Drive-Thru Prayer Maranatha Worship Centre has taken on an evangelistic effort to minister on the streets to those who are driving past our church, to pray for those who are experiencing trouble. Those who are traveling can drive in for a quick prayer of agreement that God would reveal himself in there lives in a special way. Come on in! Drive-Thru Prayer is an innovative way to engage the community around your church and reach out beyond the church walls.

  • Mighty Men of Valor | MWCDayton

    MIGHTY MEN OF VALOR Maranatha's Men’s Department has one goal and vision: to assist men with their walk with Christ. Our desire is to help men have the courage to explore and begin their walk with Christ, the strength to develop the lifestyle that enhances the discipleship patterns of Christ, and the endurance to live a victorious life that allows their family, friends, colleagues and the younger generations to find their fulfillment in Christ.

  • Our Church | MWCDayton

    OUR CHURCH At Maranatha Worship Centre our beliefs are rooted in the Bible and centered on Jesus Christ. Our mission is very simple: The church that meets the total need of man; Spirit, Soul & Body. At Maranatha we are not about a denomination or a building or some complicated religious system, but about helping people from all different backgrounds discover the joy and freedom that comes from having a relationship with Jesus Christ. We invite you to come and check us out this week at one of our services. We know that going to a new church can be confusing and intimidating, so we try to do things in a way where you’ll feel welcome and not like an outsider. When you come, you can participate or just sit back and observe. Key Milestones: •1991 purchased new church building at 4501 Wolf Road. •1993, Maranatha purchases an additional 23.1 acres of land. •1996, Mortgage paid in full •1998, Maranatha Family Youth & Cultural Center construction began •2001 Maranatha Family Youth & Cultural Center construction is completed.

  • Evangelism | MWCDayton

    EVANGELISM EVANGELISM Prayer is the foundation upon which all evangelism strategies should be built. By focusing the strategy upon prayer, Maranatha's strategy is connected to the source of the Holy Spirit. Regular prayer meetings should be conducted and primarily focused on reaching the unbelievers in your communities. Organise prayer times where you confront territorial spirits in your area. We believe that we need to be very keen on prayer meetings focused on unbelievers. Bishop Truman often organizes prayer walks in the neighborhood. Tuesday, Thursday, Friday night, and Saturday morning Men's prayer. Download The Audio As it is written in the prophets, Behold, I send My messenger before your FACE, which shall PREPARE Your way before You. The VOICE of one CRYING in the WILDERNESS, Prepare you the WAY of the Lord, make His paths STRAIGHT (Mark 1:2, 3).

  • Parking Lot Ministry | MWCDayton

    PARKING LOT Ministry PARKING LOT MINISTRY Our goal is to be a guide that helps to ensure safety and security that starts in parking and continues throughout the worship experience of Maranatha. We will keep a well-maintained parking area and provide friendly, courteous, and efficient service in the most effective manner. We will honor our neighbors with the assurance of minimal traffic congestion before and after services. VISION Our vision is to safely park vehicles on church property. We endeavor to protect our church member’s property. The Parking ministry purpose is in serving not only the persons attending services but the immediate community at large. Our vision is to increase our team in numbers as the church grows. The systematic parking procedures will be further developed with a focus on enhancing the total experience of worshipping at the Maranatha Worship Centre. ​ ​ WE HATE POTHOLES Donate $10 to help cover the potholes and maintenance of our parking lot. We thank you so much for giving

  • Senior Saints | MWCDayton

    Senior Saints RESPECT The Bible has a lot to say about respecting those who are older. Job 12:12 says, “Wisdom is with aged men, with long life is understanding.” Proverbs 16:31 says, “The glory of young men is their strength and the honor of old men is their gray hair.” Proverbs 20:29 says, “A gray head is a crown of glory; it is found in the way of righteousness.” First Timothy 5:1-2 says, “Do not sharply rebuke an older man, but rather appeal to him as a father . . . to the older women as mothers.” The Bible also has a lot to say about caring for those who are older. Psalm 68:5 says, “A father of the fatherless and a judge for the widows is God in His holy habitation.” James 1:27 says, “Pure and undefiled religion in the sight of our God and Father is this: to visit orphans and widows in their distress.” First Timothy 5:3 says, “Honor widows who are widows indeed.”

  • Praise & Worship | MWCDayton

    Praise & Worship Maranatha services always start with prayer the reading of the Word of God and Praise and Worship. ​ Praise in the original Greek means to sing, to tell of, to give, or to confess.* In simpler terms, it means to be thankful for God’s blessings, and to declare that good news to God and to others. ​ Psalm 79:13 tells us to praise God by passing from generation to generation the knowledge of His goodness, grace, and mercy. Worship, in both the original Greek and Hebrew, convey the idea of: “to prostrate oneself, to bow down, to fall face down, to pay homage and to pay respect.”* In other words, worship is the highest form of honor and respect that we can show towards God. While worship can be done in public, its main directive is very different from praise. Worship is a direct conversation between you and God. It is highly intimate and personal. Here are some examples in Scripture: ​ Luke 17:15-16, 7:36-38 explain that by worshipping, we are putting God first in our lives. This coincides with what Jesus said in Matthew 22:35-40 when He quoted the greatest commandment from the Old Testament. ​

  • Food Pantry | MWCDayton

    FOOD PANTRY Our Food Pantry Ministry Maranatha Worship Centre located at 4501 Wolf Rd. serves food to the Trotwood and Dayton community with its partners to individuals and families in the 45416 zip codes doors will open (please call 937-279-0913 for times) please bring a photo ID and have the birth dates of all household members if you want to volunteer or need more information please contact Evangelist Marcia Smith we hope to see you soon at Maranatha Worship Centre where we meet the total need of man, spirit, soul, and body. We can always use canned goods and non-perishable foods for giving out to those in need. The pantry also needs those plastic bags that you get when purchasing groceries. Please help us to help our community. ​

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